Printing Pages For New Book

Have started printing the pages for a new book entitled Detroit Buildings∙Structures∙Scapes.

Been thinking about doing a new book for a while now. I have the time since my involvement and the 7 month run of my DIA exhibit is over. Even though I have several or a few books in mind that I'd like to do, I've chosen this one. Mainly because of the discovery of the pages already formatted and titled in a photo folder that I had forgotten I had. There are about 40+ of these pages. 

The main task has been changing the titles font. I had done a preliminary design of the cover with the title in BankGothic MD ST Medium. But at the time I did the titles, which was after I did the cover prelim, BankGothic MD ST Medium was not to be had in my recent version of Photoshop. It was dropped for some reason. But now I have it back after a free download in Photoshop and Word. So I'm changing the font in the 40+ pages. 

In the past I've used Blurb for my self-published books. Usually in editions of more than 10+ copies. Expensive but convenient. I've printed a few books on my desktop and stapled and glued them together but those were very small runs of 6 copies each. 

For this book I'm printing again on my desktop and making only, for now, 2 sets of prints. My original idea was to staple all the pages of one set together -  about 40+ on 8.5x11 inch  inkjet photo paper. The 2nd set I planned to store loose in a box. Not necessarily looking for sales. Just a way to get these photographs all together. 

Now, that has all changed since I saw another photographer's blog about putting together themed sets of photographs in a portfolio presentation binder. So it's not really a book anymore but a collection of prints in a ringed binder which will hold 40+ pages of archival plastic pages to take 80 photographs using both sides of the pages. A portfolio I guess.

The binder pages are 8.5x11 inches with (supposedly) the clearest plastic known to mankind. The hard covers are a little larger. So I ordered this binder and extra pages online and deliverable on Monday, 2 days from today. Will cost me $30 to find out if I want to go this route. I may still reprint all of the pages on double sided paper sometime in the future for a stapled and glued book(s). Again, a limited print run. 

10/06/2021 - Received the binder and extra pages. The plastic sleeves are indeed the clearest I have seen. I think it will work out for my purposes. The end game? A local museum or collection entity. The Reuther, the Burton, the DIA, the Bentley? 




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